We offer various services that have a variable BILLING RATE. These services are done for you by a professional. We excel in providing a comprehensive and customizable experience for our clients.
Nonprofit Incorporation
501 (C) (3) Tax-Exemption
Nonprofit Budget Development
Nonprofit By-laws and Conflict of Interest Policy

Dr. Eva Johnson provided clear and concise directions that helped me make,The Julian Alexander Memorial Scholarship Fund a 501 C 3, nonprofit company in 2019. We started working on this before Dr Johnson moved and continued and finished during her transition to Louisiana. She was always available and knowledgeable.
State and Federal 501 (c) (3)
Have Dr. Johnson prepare both your State Non-Profit Process and your 501 (c) (3) Federal determination Process for you.
501 (c) (3) Federal Determination
Have Dr. Johnson prepare only your 501 (c) (3) Federal Determination Process for you. Does not include the state non-profit process.
State Non-Profit Process
Have Dr. Johnson prepare only your State Non-Profit Process for you. Does not include the 501 (c) (3) Federal Determination Process.
501 (C ) (3) Federal Tax Exemption 1023 Long Form
Have Dr. Johnson prepare your Federal 501(C) (3) federal tax exemption 1023 Long Form for you. This is for (churches, hospitals, etc….)
If you have received a bill from Dr. Johnson, you can pay your balance here.
S-Corp Preparation
Have Dr. Johnson prepare your S-Corp. Does not include state document fees.
C-Corp Preparation
Have Dr. Johnson prepare your C-Corp for you. Does not include state document fees.